Reliable Knowledge
J M Ziman
Not Available
The Pastons and their England
H S Bennett
The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century
Owen University of Cambridge Chadwick
The Child and the Book
Nicholas Tucker
Feminist Literary Studies
K K University of Adelaide Ruthven
John M Ziman
Tales of the Yanomami
Jacques Lizot
Victorian Miniature
Marc Bloch
Carole University of North Carolina and 1 more
Untying the Knot
Roderick Brock University and 1 more
Richelieu and Olivares
J H University of Oxford Elliott
What Little I Remember
Otto Robert Frisch
The Great Wall of China
Arthur Waldron
The Arab Predicament
Fouad Ajami
Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future
John Dunn
The Myth of the Magus
E M Butler
The Meanings of Death
John Bowker
Mr Bligh's Bad Language
Greg University of Melbourne Dening
Space, Time and Man
Grahame University of Cambridge Clark
Blues Fell This Morning
Paul Oliver
A Life of Erwin Schrödinger
Walter J Moore
Memories of Beethoven
Gerhard von Breuning
The Path to Genocide
Christopher R Browning
Black Holes and the Universe
Igor D Novikov
The Outer Reaches of Life
John R Postgate
The English Stage
John L Northwestern University and 1 more
Japan's Capitalism
Shigeto Tsuru and 1 more
Under this Blazing Light
Amos Oz
The Byzantine Lady
Donald M Nicol
In the Company of Animals
James Professor of Humane Ethics Animal Welfare and 1 more
Myths of Modern Individualism
Ian Stanford University and 1 more
Authority and the Sacred
Peter Princeton University and 1 more
Beyond Science
John University of Cambridge Polkinghorne
Charles Darwin's Letters
Charles Darwin and 1 more
The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane
Beatrice Forbes Tufts University and 1 more
Paul Smith